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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

im not perfect!

people do mistake so do i. yes i admit, my fault! post anything without thinking. yes i post about my family. i know i should'nt but its already being posted. the only thing i can do is remove it back. what else i can do right now? i have no friend here , in my house or even in Kuala Kangsar. so with whom i like to share all my problems? just tell me!

yes i know, life is unfair. and i have to deal with it. i dont have to put all those shits on twitter. i should rather be scolded than live a motherless life. thanks teacher. u already open my eyes back!im sorry mum. i know most of the times i dont think before i did something. u always remind me and i always forgot. sorry!

if seriously im the one who make ur life terrible then im sorry again. tell me what should i do .....


  1. ana, lumrah manusia, kita selalu menyesal lepas kita buat, atau tulis sumthing. Takpe, it's actually a way for u to express whatever u feel. Jgn terlampau tunduk dgn kata2 org lain bila dia ckp apa yg kta buat ni salah. Sebab org lain tu bukan kita. Dia tak faham apa yg kita rasa. Dia tak tau apa yang kita hadapi hari2. That person was never in our shoes. Ok? =)

  2. yup..okay .but somehow with their comment i can make my move to correct everything back. huhu..neway, thanks for the advice
